[The Balance Creative Podcast Subscribers] Episodes 15 & 16 are out!


The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.

The Balanced Creative Podcast Subscribers

Episodes 15 & 16 are out!


As creatives, it’s essential to normalize the idea that not everything we need will come from one person, job, or project. The notion that one source can fulfill all our creative and professional needs is not only unrealistic, but it can also stifle our growth. Each connection, opportunity, and project offers something different—whether it’s inspiration, financial stability, or personal fulfillment.

By diversifying where we seek support and inspiration, we create a richer, more sustainable creative practice. This approach allows us to stay curious, adaptable, and open to new possibilities. It’s okay, even necessary, to seek out multiple sources of nourishment for your creative spirit. Embrace the idea that your journey is multi-faceted, and let that diversity strengthen your work.

In this solo episode I share how staying in limiting environments can keep us stuck and how we can get unstuck.

One of the most powerful shifts a creative can make is to recognize and honour the value of their lived experiences. These experiences are not just background noise; they are the rich, textured layers that inform our work, making it authentic and deeply resonant. Yet, it’s easy to overlook this value, especially when we’re conditioned to chase external validation.

But here’s the truth: our experiences are unique, and they hold a wisdom that no one else can replicate. When we start valuing ourselves and our work, we stop apologizing for our voice, our perspective, and our art. This mindset shift is foundational. It empowers us to create with conviction, to lean into our truth, and to trust that what we bring into the world is not only enough—it’s necessary. Embrace your experiences, and let them guide your creative journey.

This is just a sampling of what I dive into with Meiyoko Taylor! Listen to the full episode to snag all the gems.

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PO Box 17, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia V0M1K0

The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.