I didn't figure this out until book 3, but I'm okay with it!


The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.

Weekly Say No With Love Newsletter

I didn't figure this out until book 3, but I'm okay with it!


I’ve been reflecting a lot on something that keeps coming up in my conversations with creatives, but specifically writers. From those in the early stages of unstructured play to those navigating pre-publication or post-publication, there’s been this one common thread: a fear that their project holds little to no value. Here are just a couple of photos from my creative journey that have informed how I show up today, and what aspects of the creative journey I learned to value. ↓

And I get it. When I first started out as a writer, like many others, I was constantly watching what everyone else was doing. I placed all my focus on their achievements, measuring my own success by how I compared to them. What list did I make? How many invites to festivals did I get? But eventually, I realized that this mindset wasn’t serving me. I had to rewrite that narrative. Why was I creating? I had to return to my 'why' and work backwards from there.

It’s unsettling to see so many creatives doubting the value of something they’ve poured their heart and soul into, sometimes for years. I can’t help but ask—how can we expect our work to hold value if we haven’t given it that value ourselves? There's so much that contribute to our projects getting completed and ushered out into the world. can we value those things too?

I even see this in my work as a creative entrepreneur. It’s easy to look at what others are doing in their businesses and try to follow in their footsteps, but for me, that’s like trying to squeeze into a pair of pants five sizes too small. Even if I manage to fit, it’ll be uncomfortable, and all I’ll think about is getting out.

We often operate under a pre-determined definition of success—one that wasn’t designed for us or what’s TRULY important to us as unique people. As a writer currently ready to launch my fifth book, no one has ever asked me what my definition of success is and finally a lightbulb went off in my head: what can’t I ask myself?

Although I didn’t start doing this until my third book (better late than never!), with each new project, I make a point to define success on my own terms and set up ways to track it. I focus on the aspects I can control, like which events I participate in, how I talk about my work, and what I choose to teach. Since adopting this approach, I’ve seen not only my confidence grow but also a deep clarity about my purpose and direction. It's been such a game-changer!

I think the answer to changing this narrative lies in how we approach our work and how much value we assign to it before anyone else even sees it. If we don’t see the worth in it, who will? I believe that valuing our creative projects isn’t just about validating our efforts—it’s about giving ourselves the permission to define what success means to us.

Easier said than done.

To do this work, we have to take a step back, ask ourselves some big questions, and be truly honest with the answers we find. But once we have those answers, what do we do with them? That's where I come in!

I've decided to temporarily reopen my Creative Coaching Calls to the public to help individuals create personalized creative roadmaps that align with their unique goals. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to book a call! These sessions are typically only available to current or former Breathing Space Creative clients, so this is a great opportunity to secure a spot.

Reflective Question: What's one thing you are unwilling to change about your creative project and why?


What I'm saying YES to this week ...

As we know, with every "no" we are also saying yes to something else that we've now organically created the space for. Each week, I'll share what I'm saying yes to whether it's a book, a project, and event, a food ... the possibilities are endless!

Webinar: Energy Is Currency: 8 Ways to Cultivate a More Sustainable Writing Career

Explore a game-changing truth: Creative balance isn’t about squeezing more hours into your day; it’s about being intentional with your valuable energy. Join Chelene Knight for an hour of deep insight into how you can take charge of your creative life. In this session, Chelene will share eight actionable strategies that work best when adapted to you and your unique life situation. Let’s set you on the path to becoming the dedicated, lifelong writer you’re meant to be.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn how to build your project pillars and use them for strategic decision-making
  • Discover common mistakes writers make when setting boundaries
  • Learn how to protect your biggest asset (your energy!) through a simple assessment process

Hosted by award-winning author Jane Enright, this webinar runs approximately 60 minutes, including a Q&A period. TWUC members will have access to a recording of the webinar for a limited time.

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PO Box 17, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia V0M1K0

The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.