[The Balance Creative Podcast Subscribers] Episodes 13 & 14 are out!


The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.

The Balanced Creative Podcast Subscribers

Episodes 13 & 14 are out!


In the writing community, a recurring conversation is filled with self-doubt: "Who's going to read this? Nobody cares. Nobody wants my book. This is trash. Why am I writing this?" These thoughts often stem from a place of depletion—a body that's had enough. It’s a body that’s worked late into the night, stretched thin with family, day jobs, and constant financial worries. It's no wonder our creativity suffers.

Changing how I took care of my physical self, mindset, and brain transformed my writing. Slowing down, engaging with the world more mindfully, my projects began to look more like me. They started to mirror my true self. This shift in perspective led me to value my work in a profoundly different way.

When you truly value your work, you come to the table ready to protect and fight for what you've spent years building. The key is to nurture yourself first. From there, your creative output will not only improve but will resonate more deeply with others. Remember, your well-being directly impacts your art. Take care of you, and your work will shine.

What if we harnessed expectations in a way that motivates us? Imagine if our expectations became a driving force rather than a source of stress. Self-awareness plays a crucial role here. By truly understanding our patterns—what excites us, what trips us up, and what creates roadblocks—we can gather valuable data. This information helps us troubleshoot and set softer, more flexible expectations that are inherently motivational.

For example, consider a project you're working on. If you acknowledge that you've given your all despite only having 40% of your energy available, you've effectively used 100% of your resources. Recognizing this requires self-awareness. Without understanding our limits, we're prone to thinking we could have done more, leading to unnecessary anxiety and pressure.

Self-awareness allows us to set realistic expectations, embracing the flexibility that comes with them. This approach removes the constant pressure to exceed our limits and helps us appreciate our efforts. By slowing down and asking ourselves important questions, we can better gauge our capacities and avoid the trap of thinking we should always do more.

In essence, leveraging expectations as motivation, grounded in self-awareness, enables us to show up as our best selves—confident, capable, and content with our efforts.

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PO Box 17, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia V0M1K0

The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.