Every time I posted, I felt... unsatisfied.


The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.

Weekly Say No With Love Newsletter

Every time I posted, I felt... unsatisfied.


I started to lose my love for Instagram when I felt the constant pressure to post. Beyond that, Instagram doesn't allow me to convey my full message. Every time I posted, I felt... unsatisfied.

As creatives, we're often told that we need to build a massive platform and accumulate as many followers as possible. I cannot stand this mindset. Enough is enough already! I would much rather have a small, engaged audience filled with people who truly get it, rather than a large number of followers who are just there to watch the show. A huge following does not always equate to meaningful engagement or success.

If you've been following this newsletter, you know that saying no to something isn't done lightly or passively. It's done with love and based on my self-discovery journey. When I spend time on social media, I want to feel... something.

Is posting consistently on Instagram the best use of my time, energy, skillset, and message? I've come to the conclusion that it is not.

So, what does this mean? My business Instagram page will remain as is. I might post or share occasionally, but after reflecting on what I truly wanted from Instagram—clarity about who I am and what my business is about—I realized I was wasting my time.

Admitting this was hard, but it opened up new possibilities and ideas: Where should I spend my time, and what data do I need to consider? If my core purpose for posting is to convey my full message, I need a platform that allows for long-form discussion. I want to invest more time in the Balanced Creative Podcast, The Forever Writers Club, and our new YouTube channel, "Craft Alone Won't Save You." I enjoy using these platforms and showing up in these spaces, and all three offer me the space I need to fully express myself.

I'm still going to post on my personal Instagram, and maybe even the business account, but I've thrown the posting "calendar" out the window!

Deep breath.

Slowing down, making mistakes, saying no, going backwards, experimentation... it's all part of the creative process. Not dwelling on mistakes or misalignments, but being open to what's next.

Reflective question: What's stopping you from showing up in the spaces that best align with your own message?


What I'm saying YES to this week ...

As we know, with every "no" we are also saying yes to something else that we've now organically created the space for. Each week, I'll share what I'm saying yes to whether it's a book, a project, and event, a food ... the possibilities are endless!

Revamping The Forever Writers Club! With better aligned time and energy ... big things are possible.

Over the summer, my team and I have been brainstorming ways to enhance our club's focus. We've decided to add more aligned live sessions, such as "Get Unstuck Clarity Calls" and "Writing the Self" guided sessions. Additionally, we've re-organized the club into what we believe are the four essential pillars of being a balanced creative: Personal Growth, Creativity, Living, and Mindfulness.

The club will re-open to new members in September, with only 14 additional spots available, so keep an eye out! We are thrilled about the club's evolution and can't wait to share it with you! Oh and we've figured out a way to make it SUPER affordable too. Stay tuned!!

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PO Box 17, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia V0M1K0

The Say No With Love Newsletter

Using mindfulness and self-discovery, I help creatives break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By cultivating a proactive mindset, creatives can approach their craft with renewed energy and purpose, leading to more impactful and fulfilling creative output.